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Step into my world, where old furniture gets a new lease on life. Since 2016, my passion for transforming second-hand furniture and objects into unique treasures has evolved into my profession. I invite you to experience this magic through my online shop.

From my childhood, I’ve been captivated by antique furniture and objects steeped in history. Today, I breathe new life into these forgotten pieces by painting, transforming, and adapting them to fit our modern lifestyles.

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Who am i

Annick Boltz

Step into my world, where old furniture gets a new lease on life. Since 2016, my passion for transforming second-hand furniture and objects into unique treasures has evolved into my profession. I invite you to experience this magic through my online shop.

From my childhood, I’ve been captivated by antique furniture and objects steeped in history. Today, I breathe new life into these forgotten pieces by painting, transforming, and adapting them to fit our modern lifestyles.

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Annick's Furniture Art

Giving old furniture new life

Discover the charm of vintage reinvention as we breathe fresh vitality into each piece, preserving its history while making it a vibrant part of contemporary spaces.

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Vintage Tiroir

Here you will find all the products, services, and expertise for a successful relooking.

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Blue Drawer

Here you will find all the products, services, and expertise for a successful relooking.

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Vintage Drawer

Here you will find all the products, services, and expertise for a successful relooking.

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Vintage Small Desk

Here you will find all the products, services, and expertise for a successful relooking.

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